Have a problem-free pregnancy

Have a problem-free pregnancy

Keep on secrets from your doc

It would be unwise to assume that a serious health issue which you suffered from in the past will have no impact on your pregnancy. Your doctor should be informed about everything there is to know of your health, past and present, to make a proper assessment on your health, offer valuable advice and information on what to expect during your pregnancyĀ and also provide the care and attention needed so that you may have a safe and successful pregnancy.

If you happen to be receiving treatment for a present health problem, your doctor might want to look into changing the way your health problem is managed, in case the medicines you're using are found to be harmful for your pregnancy. Your doctor will also need to be informed of any problems you had in any of your previous pregnancies so that he will be able to offer the best to you in terms of prenatal care.Ā 

Possible issues

Pregnancy-related health issues may range from mild and annoying discomforts to severe illnesses and it can be difficult for a woman to determine which symptoms are normal and which are the ones that need immediate medical attention.

Mental conditions associated with pregnancy are also factors that can affect the health of the mother or the baby. Many problems are mild and do not progress; however, when they do, they may harm the mother and/or her baby. Stress too can be a culprit for many physical and/or mental health issues associated with pregnancy.Ā 

There will always be ways to manage any kind of pre-natal issue, so keep your doctor well-informed on your worries and concern so that he or she will know exactly what to do to help you.

In early pregnancy, vomiting is common, though with varying degree of severity. Severe vomiting might lead to dehydration, so if you are experiencing this, do call on your doctor for advice. Taking in plenty of fluids will help keep dehydration at bay.

First trimesters issues

During this somewhat delicate stage of pregnancy, it is not uncommon to feel a little paranoid at anything that is amiss. While some issues that arise turn out to be products of over worrying, some however might need immediate medical attention to prevent them from getting worse.

Bleeding and Pain

These symptoms occur in ectopic pregnancies and also during miscarriages. If there is pain in early pregnancy, the suspicion of ectopic prenancy is high. When bleeding accompanies pain, the pregnancy might not make it through. If not diagnosed in time, it can lead to serious bleeding the womb.

What to avoid during early pregnancy:

  • Eating heavy meals
  • Visiting friends and relatives in hospital atmosphere
  • Smoking
  • Consuming alcohol
  • Physical and mental exertion
  • Travelling on bumpy roads


During the second trimester, some women may experience extreme tiredness and fatigue. It is important to conduct blood and urine tests to look for low haemoglobin, abnormalities of sugar, thyroid disorders and Rh negative blood group. A baseline blood pressure measurement should also be done early in pregnancy. Routine screening for HIV, Hepatitis B and syphilis should be done. It is important to continue regular antenatal care to identify any changes quickly.

Eating fresh or minimally processed food helps you to keep a clean bill of health, and so will appropriate pre-natal supplement. Other than that, you should also:

  • Take up antenatal exercise under supervision
  • Wear low-heeled shoes and hold yourself well to avoid back injury
  • Use maternity pillows for a better posture and also for a good night's sleep
  • Ask your doctor about an Anomaly Scan, which is a detailed sonography performed between 16 to 20 weeks to help detect any abnormality in the baby
Do not take any sort of vaginal bleeding lightly, for it could indicate a weakened cervix neck or even a miscarriage. If you bleed, you may need complete bed rest and maybe even a stitch to tighten the neck of the womb.


From now on, doctor might want to see you every two weeks. You'll also have to keep a count of the fetal movements too, and there should be at least 10 movements in a day.

In some pregnancies, either the blood pressure, or the blood sugar may rise. Careful monitoring together with timely tests can diagnose these disorder early and keep them under control.Ā 

Low placenta and abruption

These conditions lead to bleeding in pregnancy. Emergency situations may arise and delivery may become necessary. Low lying placenta calls for complete rest and delivery may have to be by caesarean action.

Monitoring baby's growth

The growth of your baby will be monitored closely during the third trimester to detect any signs of slowing down. If the growth of your baby experience a sudden halt or slows down, additional test such as blood flow to the baby (Doppler test) may be done. If there are abnormalities, the baby may have to be delivered early.

Abnormal lie

Occasionally, the baby may be in an abnormal position. This could be a breech, oblique or transverse lie. In such situations, a caesarean section becomes necessary.

Combined and systematic efforts by you and your doctor can ensure that you have a safe and successful pregnancy.

Sometimes labour may start before a full terms. This is generally due to infection, mainly urinary infection. In such situations, it is important to be cared for in a hospital that has neonatal intensive facilities.

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